Mobile application that guides foot traffic on golf courses

Software EngineeringMobile Development
Mobile Development/FlutterData/MQTT/Geolocation


There is a lot of data to be gathered during a game of Golf. WhizzGolf uses this data to predict and monitor problems, playing time, gaps, delay, and playing trends. Making sure everything runs smoothly on and off the green.

Working closely with WhizzGolf we helped design a solution that allows them to calculate live player positions and performance. It also streamlines communication between players and superintendents.

The system operates by retrieving data in a background process and transmitting it in a continuous MQTT connection.

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Create a robust data collection and processing service.


Develop a user-friendly mobile application that runs on all devices.


Stream real-time data using an MQTT data broker.


The WhizzGolf app is available on all mobile stores.


We designed a user friendly application that runs seamlessly in the background, it allows players to focus on their ongoing game, while also streaming any valuable data to a centralized service.

The app runs a continuous feedback-loop in the background, providing data and validating calculation results.

UX Design

Flutter - Mobile


Our solution involved creating a lightweight mobile application using the Flutter framework. The app utilises MQTT for real-time data communication and background services to ensure uninterrupted data gathering during games.

By analyzing the gathered data, we were able to provide live player positions, performance metrics, and facilitate communication between players and superintendents.


After a successful initial test of the WhizzGolf app, the application is now being used on numerous tracks. We consider this case as a finished product and we are pleased with both its development and delivery.